this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with these magnificent and powerful birds. take a stroll through wonderful woodlands and lakeland countryside as the hawks follow, flying tree to tree and tree to glove. it is amazing to see these beautiful birds fly with such precision through the trees, fly in and land gently onto your gloved hand. there are plenty of photographic opportunities so don’t forget your camera! within minutes of arriving you will have a hawk on your glove and be setting off with your falconer to fly your hawk free in spectacular countryside. most of the hawk walk time is spent with you flying the hawk. as you fly the hawk, your falconer will explain about the hawk’s exceptional eyesight, its speed and agility and how it is trained and hunts.there is no set route to follow so you can go at your own pace to explore the wonderful countryside with these magnificent birds. for this walk you will be flying a harris hawk. while walking you will learn all about the harris hawk and how they live and hunt in the wild. all the time you will be calling the bird down to the fist for a piece of food….
– hawk walk for two – £59 (RRP – £59)
Fly a bird of prey to your fist